Tuesday, January 21, 2020

NYTimes-Trump Speech in Miami

Tues. Jan. 21, 2020

To Our Readers:

Exceptionally, we recommend reading an article in the New York Times, which has not received enough visibility.

It is about the speech that Donald Trump made in Miami on Jan. 2, 2020, in which he used the same slogan as German Nazis of “God is on our side” (Gott mit uns) !

We have to keep in mind, according to his second wife, that the only book Trump keeps at his bedside is a book about Adolf Hitler's speeches.

The link to the New York Times article is:
In Miami Speech, Trump Tells Evangelical Base: God Is ‘on Our Side’

There is also a good article by Philip M. Giraldi, a former director of the National Review about the same topic:

Americans are asleep now. As in 1933-1936, when they wake up it will be too late.

R. T.
